This is always one of our favorites. Don’t miss out on some great cooking. Whether you are in the Competition, Food Taster, or just plain camping and hit this event.
Situated in a rural area of middle Nevada. Cathedral Gorge is an easy drive from most of Nevada and south/western Utah. Don’t miss this one
March 26, 2022
Old Mormon Fort
Las Vegas, Nevada
Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort
State Historic Park
Dutch Oven Cook-Off Rules
Saturday, March 26, 2022
ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to individuals or group cook/teams. Anyone under the age of 16 entering individually must have a parent or guardian’s signature.
ENTRY FEE: $5 per team, cash only. Fee waived with pre-registration. Participants are allowed unlimited dishes. The entry fee will be used to help fund future cook-offs, demonstrations, and other interpretive park programs. Participants have until the start of the competition to enter.
PROCEDURE: Entries fall under one of the three categories:
” Main Course
” Side Dish
” Dessert
Entrants are responsible for providing all food items and supplies required for preparation of the entry. Entrants are also responsible for cleanup of their immediate area after cooking. Charcoal will not be provided. Participants may set up their own hot water stations if desired.
All individuals and teams participating will be required to display a sign (no larger than 8-1/2″ by 11″) that states the name of their dish. If the dish is especially spicy or contains foods that many people are allergic to (such as peanuts) that information should also be included on the sign.
All cooking must be done in a Dutch oven and everything must be cooked on-site (i.e. no pre-cooked items or ingredients may be used). Participants are responsible for keeping refrigerated items cool prior to serving or mixing into the recipe.
For public health reasons, pets will not be allowed in the cooking area during the cook-off. Only those involved in preparing dishes will be allowed in the cooking area. Participants must follow proper sanitary procedures when handling food and cleaning cutting boards, mixing bowls, and any other utensils used during the preparation of the dish. Tasting of dishes (for adjusting of seasonings) should be done only with a disposable spoon.
SCHEDULE: The event schedule will be as follows:
8:00am: Park opens, participants may enter and begin setting up.
12:30pm: Tasting and voting begins
1:00 – 1:30pm: Winners will be announced
4:30pm: Park closes.
AWARDS PROCESS: Awards will be given to the top three dishes in each of the three categories. Award winners will be decided by a panel of three judges. Each category will also have a popular vote winner. Event attendees will have one vote to cast per dish category.
While this is a competition, everyone’s goal should be to have fun and learn some new recipes and techniques!
Contact the Old Mormon Fort for entry form(s).
Completed Entry forms can be submitted one of three ways:
Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Historic Park
500 E Washington Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89101
In Person at:
Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Historic Park
500 E Washington Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89101
The Nevada State Parks “Cathedral Gorge Annual Dutch Oven Cook-off 2020” is canceled due to Covid.
This event is always held in September. Those that have it on your schedule for 2020 need to remove it. We just received official confirmation back from a Cathedral Gorge State Park spokesperson this morning.
We will be updating our various social media locations and websites. Please spread the word to others you know may have had plans to attend, and not see this changes.
ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to individuals or group cook/teams. Anyone under the age of 16 entering individually must have a parent or guardian’s signature.
ENTRY FEE: $5 per team, cash only. Fee waived with pre-registration. Participants are allowed unlimited dishes. The entry fee will be used to help fund future cook-offs, demonstrations, and other interpretive park programs. Participants have until the start of the competition to enter.
PROCEDURE: Entries fall under one of the three categories:
Main Course
Side Dish
Entrants are responsible for providing all food items and supplies required for preparation of the entry. Entrants are also responsible for cleanup of their immediate area after cooking. Charcoal will not be provided. Participants may set up their own hot water stations if desired.
All individuals and teams participating will be required to display a sign (no larger than 8-1/2” by 11”) that states the name of their dish. If the dish is especially spicy or contains foods that many people are allergic to (such as peanuts) that information should also be included on the sign.
All cooking must be done in a Dutch oven and everything must be cooked on-site (i.e. no pre-cooked items or ingredients may be used). Participants are responsible for keeping refrigerated items cool prior to serving or mixing into the recipe.
For public health reasons, pets will not be allowed in the cooking area during the cook-off. Only those involved in preparing dishes will be allowed in the cooking area. Participants must follow proper sanitary procedures when handling food and cleaning cutting boards, mixing bowls, and any other utensils used during the preparation of the dish. Tasting of dishes (for adjusting of seasonings) should be done only with a disposable spoon.
SCHEDULE: The event schedule will be as follows:
8:00am: Park opens, participants may enter and begin setting up.
12:30pm: Tasting and voting begins
1:00 – 1:30pm: Winners will be announced
4:30pm: Park closes.
AWARDS PROCESS: Awards will be given to the top three dishes in each of the three categories. Award winners will be decided by a panel of three judges. Each category will also have a popular vote winner. Event attendees will have one vote to cast per dish category.
While this is a competition, everyone’s goal should be to have fun and learn some new recipes and techniques!
Contact us using one of the following, to obtain an Entry Form.Entry forms may be submitted one of three ways:
The Cathedral Gorge Rangers reached out to me today. They are still going ahead with their Dutch Oven Cook-off. Though they are concerned they only have 1 cook signed up as of today. Please get your entries forms in!
There is a simple on-line entry form at the link below. Entry is FREE if submitted ahead of time. If you wait and sign up the day of the event there is a $5 entry fee.
They aren’t sure if the Area 51 Event, planned at the same time, is the cause of lack of sign ups? They don’t believe the 51 Event will filter over into this area.
If you are planning on attending as a cook and haven’t signed up with them, please do so. Or at a minimum let them know you will be there to cook.
Many of us in our local Dutch Oven group have been attending this cook-off for years. It is our favorite competition event. Attending as a cook, as well as joining in with all the fun events the rangers plan for the whole day.
Calling all Cooks, eaters, and spectators to visit the Mormon Fort.
If you are a Las Vegas visitor. Or new to the area. Many never realize this State Park is in the center of Las Vegas. There is a ton of frontier history to go along with this fun cooking and eating event.
This is a preliminary post so that you may mark your 2020 Calendars.
This State Park, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Has scheduled their 2020 Dutch Oven Cook-off for Saturday March, 28, 2020.