Our new 12 inch Stargazer Skillet arrived a few days ago, It made for some fun cooking and testing.
We own the previous 10 inch version. So we had to have their latest.
The previous time we ordered the unseasoned skillet. This time we opted for the seasoned version to see what differences there might be.
We particularly like the dating system used on the underside of the casted squared off hanging loop, opposite the handle. YYYYMMDD. In our case ours was in the run December 11, 2018.
Personally, I especially like this date concept. I hope my kids and grandkids use these Stargazers somewhere in their lives. Since I collect and have a ton of vintage pieces from the early to mid 1900’s and a few possibles from the late 1800’s. I know how difficult and controversial it is to positively date old cast iron. It will be amazing to know the exact day these hit 100 years old. Just not in my lifetime.
Though neither size comes with a lid that we are aware of. We found a perfect sized glass lid at Goodwill for less than $2.00. At least for our 10 inch. Scouting for a 12 now.
One of our favorite quick and healthy dinners is Broccoli and Garlic-Dill Salmon. Delicious!
Check back often. We hope to document our comparison between unseasoned and seasoned.