[1] Bluff City Stove Works – Memphis Tennessee
Largest and most prominent manufacturer in the State [1885]
President [1885] H. Wetter
Vice President [1885] W.F. Taylor
Secretary and Manager [1885] L. Tiff Risk
Treasurer [1885] Geo. Schmalzried
Stove manufacturing annual capacity [1885] 25,000 stoves
75 Employed [1885]
Produced Stoves, grates, mantels, and “Hollow Ware”.
Started in 1883
Sold/Merged late 1890’s
Other historic documents indicate H. Wetter appearing as
H. Wetter Manufacturing Company
Producing “Superior Stoves Ranges” being sold in a catalog 1895-1896. Unknown to us, if this is the same foundry listed 1885?
[1]Reference: Memphis Avalanche Sun – Article dated April 5, 1885